Egg Freezing

Egg Freezing

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If you don’t want to miss the prime of your reproductive life due to personal, career or health reasons, you should consider gamete storage where you could store up to 10 years.

Egg Freezing Technology

Nowadays, late marriages are common to women, and hence, their birth plans are delayed as well. However, the number of eggs in women are determined at the time when they were born. Age is one of the critical factors determining egg qualities and ovarian reserves. As women get older, egg qualities and ovarian reserves would gradually decline and reduce. And thus, the pregnancy rate would reduce, and would negatively influence fetal development.

Egg freezing gives modern women a new choice. To prepare for the future fertility plan, women can freeze eggs at their golden reproductive years, to preserve better quality eggs and thaw them in the future when they are ready to get pregnant.

Should I freeze my eggs?

If you want to have children, but facing the following situations, you can consider egg freezing:

  • You are 30 years old or above, single or have no children;
  • You plan to have a child, but now is not the right time;
  • You are young, but have family history of premature ovarian failure, ovulation disorders, endometriosis, etc.
  • You are going to receive cancer treatments which would pose impact to your fertility potential

When to freeze your eggs?

Women can freeze their eggs during their golden reproductive age, which is from 25 to 35 years old. During this period, women's eggs are at the best quality, and the fertilization rate is the highest. After age 35, ovarian function declines, egg number drops, egg quality reduces and embryonic cell division ability diminishes, which lead to lower implantation and pregnancy rates.

After age 38, women's fertility and pregnancy rates would decelerate rapidly. With IVF technology, woman's thawed eggs would be fertilized with man's sperms and further developed to embryos. The embryo(s) would then be transferred into the women's uterus for implantation and pregnancy.

Advanced Maternal Age - How Old Is Too Old? Hefner LJ.NEJM.2004.
AMH data were from The Women's Clinic.
After 35 years old, women's live birth rate and the average number of oocytes retrieved would drop significantly, while the miscarriage rate would significantly increase.

When you consider for egg freezing, you should be aware of the following:

According to the law of Hong Kong, the maximum storage period of eggs (oocytes) would be 10 years.
At age 35, your fertility rate would be half of yours at 25 years old.
At age 40, your fertility rate would be half of yours at 35 years old.

Egg Freezing Procedure

The whole process would take ~ 2 weeks.

Before treatment starts

Assessment of your health condition and ovarian reserve by doctor

Day 1 of menstrual cycle

Get ready for the treatment cycle

Day 2/ 3 to Day 12 of menstrual cycle

Ovarian stimulation (monitoring is needed)

Day 13 or Day 14 of menstrual cycle

Egg collection surgery


Storage in liquid nitrogen

Am I suitable for egg freezing?