In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)

In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)

IVF is an effective form of assisted reproductive technology, one of the best bets for those with damaged or blocked tubes, unexplained sub-fertility, low sperm count or reduced sperm activity, severe endometriosis, or sub-fertility caused by antisperm antibody problems to become parents.

IVF means fertilisation outside the body. The fertilisation is done in a glass dish in the laboratory and the resulting embryo is replaced back into the womb.

Ovulation induction is usually carried out to increase the success rate by stimulating more follicles (eggs) and thereby increasing the chances of producing more embryos. Between one to two (and at the most three embryos) are normally transferred to optimise good pregnancy rates balancing against the risk of having multiple births.

Treatment Overview

IVF can help you overcome different causes of infertility and provide you with a better chance to have a baby, but this cannot be done in a single step. The length of a complete treatment varies from couple to couple.

The overall and key processes of the treatment are shown below:

  1. Pre-treatment consultation
  2. Ovulation induction
  3. Regular ultrasound examinations and blood tests to determine the maturity of the eggs
  4. Egg collection
  5. Sperm preparation
  6. Fertilisation
  7. Embryo cultivation
  8. Pre-implantation genetic testing if necessary
  9. Embryo transfer
  10. Pregnancy test

Are we eligible for IVF?